Tuesday, September 22, 2009


First came Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; next came the banking industry; then came the auto industry; and now, it’s the newspaper industry.

With sales and advertising money sagging due to the recession, President Obama told newspaper executives on Friday that he’d be happy to look into a bailout for their papers. That weekend, as the controversy raged over yet another government bailout, the President signed legislation rescuing the first news agency.
We at the Politically Incorrect Party are proud to announce that our blog is the first to receive a bailout from the Obama administration!
President Obama’s historic and brave action to bail out this blog is yet another example of his decisive, transformational approach to leading our nation. Just as he is wisely leading America to reduce the costs of health care against the corrupt, racist opponents to reform, so has he bailed out the newspaper industry.

Some on the radical fringe have argued that if the recession has really turned around, with green shoots evident in the economy, a bailout of the newspaper industry is unnecessary. Such kooks clearly are the diehard ditto heads of talk radio, whose attacks on the Obama administration will be silenced by the fairness doctrine.
Obama towers above his critics like Moses on Mt. Sinai with the ten commandments, his face radiating from being in the presence of God. Like Jesus Christ, Obama was a community organizer who says: “Come to me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am meek and gentle in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
Yes, many critics complain about this bailout now, but how will they feel when they’re the ones on the other end of the bailout?

(The Politically Incorrect Party would like to thank Obama appointed Newspaper Czar Stephanie Boyd for her thorough edit and rewrite of this post)

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